Friday, May 8, 2009

Tell me how does it feel

PSA to everyone who can even maybe afford it: Get a cleaning lady!

Having a cleaning lady is magical. This morning as I left the apartment. I eyed things scattered everywhere. And like a typical desi I wanted to clean the apartment before the cleaning lady got there. But I was committed to getting to work early to finish a project so away I went. 

Then there was that moment when I came home. I had forgotten she was coming. First I noticed the shoe rack. All the shoes were lined up and put away in their cubby holes. Then there was the kitchen. The glorious shine of the counter, the crumb free stove, and not a dish in sight. Then I saw the laundry all hung washed and hung, the clothes i left to be ironed were all crisp and hanging in the closet. She goes through all the drawers and closets and folds everything. As an extra nice touch, she lays a white summery dress on the bed, almost as to say, it is a beautiful day! Wear this and have a fabulous night!

Another amazing thing about our cleaning lady is that her name is Roza so in my head I call her Daroza... All you Gossip Girl fans, be jealous. Be very, very jealous.

After a great day at work and then coming home to this sparkling apartment I was happy to call it a day. But I had promised some friends from work that I would meet them up for dinner and nargeelah. 

Even though Feraz was having a bit of a headache and I wanted to just stay cozy and lazy on the sofa, we headed out to meet my friends. What a good move that was!! There is something so amazing about a new group of friends that you care for. There is the freshness of everyone's jokes, the newness of all the stories and the wonder of discovering people. I laughed so much. I loved how everyone in the group is just so open, and kind and not putting on a facade or acting or trying to be something.  We all loved the cheesy eighties, and later nineties music that came on. I think I lost my voice from karaokeing when I shouldn't have been. I found another person who likes to sing to the songs as much as I do! And as we walked down Istikal street late into the night, we sang A Whole New World and every now and then I yelled Istanbul!!

New Pictures:


  1. I am totally jealous of your cleaning lady...enough said...

  2. sweeetttttt i want to see that summery dress she layed out for you ;)

  3. haha. r- i will try to find a picture of it!


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